
Friday, April 23, 2010

Republicans to Congresswoman: "Back in the Kitchen" | Women's Rights |

I appreciate it when people are upfront about their sexism and misogyny. When they try to pretend to be pro-woman later, you can remember what they really think.

So I'd like to thank the Republican Executive Committee in Medina County, OH, for including this line in their recent mailing to 15,000 households: "Let's take Betty Sutton out of the House and put her back in the kitchen!"

Oh, the kitchen. Because in a sexist mindset, that is, of course, where all women belong. (I'm glad they're upfront about what they mean, instead of saying "put her in her place," and leaving it unsaid where they think that would be.) And if they can just vote Sutton out of office, then she go home and start cooking dinner like she's supposed to. Although, as Steven Benen points out in Washington Monthy, "For the record, Betty Sutton is an accomplished lawmaker and respected attorney — and does not have a background as a professional chef. In other words, there's nothing about the congresswoman's background that makes 'back in the kitchen' appropriate." But I guess "put her back in the courtroom" doesn't have the same misogynistic ring to it?

Posted via web from Firesaw

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