
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Why We're Fasting -

Though Beckmann is too kind to say it, he and many other religious leaders believe that true worship can’t take place without joining this struggle: “You can’t have real religion,” he told me, “unless you work for justice for hungry and poor people.”

I don’t think you can have much humanity, either.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Monday, March 28, 2011

HP Mallory, Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Author: Win an Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Certificate for $100!

Win an Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Certificate for $100!

One of my favorite Fantasy authors is giving away a $100 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift card. Go to her post to find out how she started and how you could win.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Why Are Millions of Spiders Invading Thousands of Trees and Why Is It Good News?

Why Are Millions of Spiders Invading Thousands of Trees and Why Is It Good News?These huge trees are fully covered with thousands of spiderwebs, something never before seen in Sindh, Pakistan, where this photo was taken. Yes, it's a eewrifying image, but it has had a surprisingly positive effect on the population of this heavily punished part of the world.

"eewrifying" gets a thumbs up from me.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Monday, March 14, 2011

$10 drug now $1500 after FDA grants monopoly - Boing Boing

Almost all of it is pure profit, and KV Pharma did not develop the drug or pay for its trials: the taxpayer did, via the National Institute for Health.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Daring Fireball: Bending Over Backwards

The iPad 2 is a real thing that you can go buy in a store tomorrow. What is Mossberg comparing the iPad to? An imaginary tablet, available today, that does have Flash Player and 4G networking, on which neither technology has an adverse effect on battery life? Why not list the lack of a quad-core processor, instead of the iPad 2’s actual dual-cure one, as a drawback, too?

Posted via email from Firesaw

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Your New Congressmen Are Richer Than Pretty Much Everyone You Know - Politics - GOOD

As many Americans struggle to provide even the most basic necessities for themselves—one recent survey found that nearly half of black seniors had struggled to pay their electric bills in the past year—you might be surprised to know that our new elected officials are not only better off, but absolutely flush with cash.

Posted via email from Firesaw