
Monday, January 31, 2011

Illinois Signs Civil-Unions Law - The Daily Beast

Get ready for an influx of save-the-dates from Illinois. The state’s governor, Pat Quinn, signed “historic” legislation Wednesday allowing civil unions for both gay and straight couples. The bill is considered a hard-won victory for gay and lesbian couples, since it will give gay couples many of the same rights as married couples—although it does not establish same-sex marriage.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Thursday, January 27, 2011

AZ GOP Proposes New ‘Birthright’ Law - The Daily Beast

From a border fence to a legal one: On Thursday, Arizona Republicans introduced new “birthright” legislation, challenging the right to citizenship for kids of immigrants born in the U.S.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Norquist And The War - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

If you've got a fist in the tar baby Iraq and you've got a fist in the tar baby Afghanistan, then who's afraid of you?

Posted via email from Firesaw

Deals and Offers at The Book Depository

Very cool. I'm already looking for good picks for my Nook.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Palin's Timing - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

Amy Sullivan also wonders why Palin didn't "hold off on the lashing out at her critics and casting herself as a victim for just a few more days":

Palin simply can't help it. You know that friend of yours for whom everything is always about them? Your dad is in the hospital and your cat just died and you lost your job, and yet she blows up at you because you forgot her birthday? Palin is that friend.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Quote For The Day

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Quote For The Day

12 Jan 2011 12:40 pm

"Today has been set aside to honor the victims of the Tucson massacre. And Sarah Palin has apparently decided she's one of them," - Josh Marshall.

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Things that are clearly condoned in the Bible are now mysteriously prohibited, such as polygamy,...

"Things that are clearly condoned in the Bible are now mysteriously prohibited, such as polygamy, concubines (well, fundamentalists seem to call their concubines mistresses these days), slaves, and incest. Things that are celebrated, indeed the raison d’être of the New Testament, are totally ignored or even ridiculed, such as foregoing wealth, distributing wealth to the poor, rendering aid, forgiving trespasses, and simply loving one another. Adherents of the Bible misuse it greatly, and few use it for good."

Question Of The Week: “The Bible”

Posted via email from Firesaw

Monday, January 10, 2011

Daring Fireball Linked List: Not Helping

Joe Stump:

Right can point the finger back all they want, but we’re not the ones putting crosshairs on peoples’ backs and telling people to reload.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Giffords, Jewish - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

Loughner was probably too insane to have really participated in anti-Semitic politics, or, for that matter, in the Tea Party. But it is important to note that Giffords has been relentlessly demonized by the right, the rhetoric around her charged with violence. And such rhetoric is dangerous precisely because of the effect it can have on the unhinged. Loughner was crazy, but he was also responsive to certain real-world political currents, particularly the right’s nightmare vision of federal power run amok.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Quote For The Day - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

There is a distinction between guilt and regret. Sarah Palin is not responsible for this latest excrescence of violence. But if Sarah Palin does not regret the fact that she put a gun-sight cross-hair on a public figure who was subsequently shot in the head, then she is telling us something important about her moral character.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Quote For The Day - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

There is a distinction between guilt and regret. Sarah Palin is not responsible for this latest excrescence of violence. But if Sarah Palin does not regret the fact that she put a gun-sight cross-hair on a public figure who was subsequently shot in the head, then she is telling us something important about her moral character.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Riding That Tiger - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

This is not the same as guilt. It's called responsibility. So far, not a single leading Republican has offered even the slightest remorse for the atmosphere they stoked to win back power. If they do not, they will make the fire next time even more destructive, by emboldening the very forces they claim to have nothing to do with.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tombstone Politics -

The good news is that already, in just a few days time, this kind of talk from Beck, Palin and Angle is now being seen for what it really is — something not to be touched by fair citizens or ambitious politicians. And the long-overdue revulsion is because such poisons — death threats in place of reasoned argument, fetishizing of guns, glib talk of “taking someone out” — were used so carelessly, as if they didn’t matter.

Well, they do matter. Even if the gunman’s motives are never truly known, the splattering of so much innocent blood on a Saturday morning gives a nation as fractious as ours a chance to think about what happens when words are used as weapons, and weapons are used in place of words.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Comment Of The Day - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

20 people are mowed down in a grocery store and Palin thinks she's the victim? Typical. You don't get to spend 3 years blowing a dog whistle and yelling fire in a theater then get to wash your hands of it when it goes bad," - from a commenter on Politico.

Posted via email from Firesaw

"On Extreme Right And Left" - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

But the level of animus toward the new president and anyone supporting him reached preposterous proportions at the beginning of this presidency; the gracelessness from the Congressional leadership on down, from "You lie!" to "death panels" and "palling around with terrorists" ... this is a real problem in a country with its fair share of disturbed individuals and much more than its fair share of guns.

The Palin forces, who have fomented this dynamic more viciously and recklessly than any other group, are reacting today with incandescent rage that they could even be mentioned in the same breath as this act of political terrorism. That's called denial. When you put a politician in literal cross-hairs, when you call her a target, when you celebrate how many targets you have hit, when you go on national television and shoot guns, when you use the language of "lock and load" to describe disagreements over healthcare provision ... you are part of the problem.

Posted via email from Firesaw

Reading Loughner's Mind - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

The entire psychological structure of the "Tea Party" is rooted in the theme of patriotic armed revolt against an illegitimate tyrant. Violence and the rhetoric of violence is embedded within it. When you do that, someone somewhere will take you seriously.

Posted via email from Firesaw