Can a 3-year-old really reach a Zen-like state—or is it just a good way to shut him up?
Posted via email from Firesaw
Can a 3-year-old really reach a Zen-like state—or is it just a good way to shut him up?
Posted via email from Firesaw
Some states have no shame: The Associated Press says that seven states are suing to overturn health-care reform after having already begun to claim new federal health-care subsidies for retired state workers. The states are Arizona, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, and Nevada.
Posted via email from Firesaw
The Army has a new physical training plan for its 145,000 recruits this year, and planners hope it will tackle one of the military’s most pressing modern problems: Recruits are overweight and out of shape.
Posted via email from Firesaw
More than $5 billion—10 percent of the $50 billion spent on reconstruction—has been wasted, according to the audit, and some say this amount could be an underestimate.
Posted via email from Firesaw
Tens of thousands of Tea Partiers—and counterprotesters—are descending on Washington, D.C. this weekend to rally on the National Mall on the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech—ironic, since they’ve often been accused of racism. But the Tea Party sees no irony. Feeling persecuted and ignored by Washington, its activists, mostly middle-class white men, have seized on the language of the civil-rights movement.
Posted via email from Firesaw
The Kochs are on a whole different level. There's no one else who has spent this much money. The sheer dimension of it is what sets them apart. They have a pattern of lawbreaking, political manipulation, and obfuscation. I've been in Washington since Watergate, and I've never seen anything like it. They are the Standard Oil of our times.
Posted via email from Firesaw
Common sense is a none-too-subtle stand-in for “shut up and suck it up.
Posted via email from Firesaw
Could North Carolina have executed prisoners without giving them a fair trial? North Carolina’s crime lab omitted, overstated, or falsely reported blood evidence in dozens of cases—including three that ended in executions (and also the murder of Michael Jordan’s father).
Posted via email from Firesaw
Sheila Broflovski said it best:
Remember what the MPAA says: Horrific, deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words!
Posted via email from Firesaw
Common sense says venting is an important way to ease tension, but common sense is wrong. Venting – catharsis – is pouring fuel into a fire.
Posted via email from Firesaw
"You want people to eat better? Give them enough money, a place for cooking and storage, and access to a decent variety of food. Then you can worry about the finer points of nutrition."
Posted via email from Firesaw
There is a case to be made for putting a lot more of our foreign policy resources into this hemisphere, and dedicating a lot less treasure and attention to matters overseas. I'd also like to see changes in drug policy so that our failed yet ongoing efforts at prohibition stop empowering paramilitary drug armies from growing ever more powerful.
Posted via email from Firesaw
I honestly think [homosexuality is] the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam — which I think is a big threat, okay?" the fiercely conservative Kern insisted. "This stuff is deadly, and it's spreading, and it will destroy our young people, it will destroy this nation.
Wait, what? Get your priorities straight.
Posted via email from Firesaw
In fact, our nation was founded on immigration, and immigration has always strengthened, enriched, and shaped our identity. How ironic then that the very descendants whose ancestors were targets of demonization are now the leaders of anti-immigrant movements.
Posted via email from Firesaw
America! The land of selfish assholes. At least that's what a new survey seems to show, with 53% of respondents against the idea of the government making high-speed broadband available to those it has yet to reach.
Posted via email from Firesaw
Huckabee dismissed calls from within the Republican Party to change the part of the 14th Amendment that automatically gives citizenship to children born in the United States. "The Supreme Court has decided that, I think, in three different centuries,” Huckabee told NPR. "In every single instance, they have affirmed that if you are born in this country, you are considered to be a citizen. The only option there is to change the Constitution." Asked if he would support an effort to make such a change, he said “No.
Posted via email from Firesaw
That art should be subtle and complicated is common mis-representation of how the art world evaluates art — it actually privileges unique expression — and it’s this confusion that continually creates vague, inarticulate discussion even amongst professionals.
Posted via email from Firesaw
Minority rights that are derived from claims against the majority cannot be subject to a referendum process where majorities are needed,
Posted via email from Firesaw
Yes, it is much cheaper and way safer to send unmanned probes out into space, and it is hard to sell and defend a vision given humanity’s more pressing needs. But when we stop dreaming, we die. The rest of our lives becomes a formality.
Posted via email from Firesaw
Google, who's been determinedly digitizing the world's books, thought it might be prudent to figure out just how many books are actually out there to begin with. They made a special algorithm, natch, and came up with 129,864,880.
Posted via email from Firesaw
I treasure the way the 1st Amendment protects my rights to worship. But I also understand that the 1st Amendment -- the "first draft" of which was written by one of my ancestors -- exists more to protect religious minorities than those of us in the majority.
Posted via email from Firesaw
Who saw this coming? Oh, right: most everyone. Gotcha. The Federal Government has admitted to storing those full-body scan images that had privacy advocates so worked up over the past few months. This, despite the fact that it said it wouldn’t store the images. Say one thing, do another. Yay.
Posted via email from Firesaw
A federal judge in California ruled Wednesday that Proposition 8—which legally defined marriage as between a man and a woman—violated the U.S. Constitution. Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker said Proposition 8 violated the 14th amendment, which calls for equal protection under the law. "Moral disapproval alone is an improper basis on which to deny rights to gay men and lesbians," Walker wrote in his decision. But victory, almost two years after voters approved the measure, is not guaranteed: Supporters of Proposition 8 have filed an appeal.
Posted via email from Firesaw
When the federal court struck down Proposition 8, we moved one step closer to winning the freedom to marry nationwide. It’s a time to celebrate a major victory -- but also to focus on the challenges ahead.
The courts don't operate in a vacuum. Add your voice and tell the nation "I'm helping to defeat Prop 8, and I’m going to work to win the freedom to marry in the 45 states that still exclude loving and committed same-sex couples from marriage.
Posted via email from Firesaw
Are you listening, Sarah Palin? New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg delivered a stirring defense on Tuesday of the so-called Ground Zero Mosque that has conservatives up in arms.
Posted via email from Firesaw
For example, sexually abusing a child is listed not as a crime against the child, but as a crime against the Biblical commandment forbidding adultery. And attempting to ordain a woman attracts a more serious punishment than sexually abusing a child. This is the type of morality that results when people put theology ahead of reality.
Posted via email from Firesaw
If you stop thinking of Microsoft as an innovator and start thinking of them as a fast, low cost, mass market follower, you'll stop being disappointed in their inability to divine new markets and realize they are staring at some of their largest growth opportunities ever.
Posted via email from Firesaw
The tools of Senate politics are no longer about voting deals and creative legislation, he writes, but rather arcane rules, elaborate techniques of obstructionism, and minute points of senatorial procedure as senators fall back behind party lines.
Posted via email from Firesaw